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  WEEE Registration in  

     European Union's WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste of Electronic and Electrical Equipment requires that, the WEEE symbol must be placed on an EEE product if the product falls in one of the 10 categories and is placed onto the EU market after the 13th August 2005. Producers must provide refurbishment, treatment and reuse information for each "new" WEEE. The directive obligates member states to establish and maintain a registry of producers putting electrical and electronic equipment onto the market. So far, there does not exist a centralized European registration office. Producers must register in individual member states of the EEA.

Authority responsible for WEEE-related issues:

Ministry of Environment

Timing of implementation:

National legislation:

Producer Responsibility:

Labeling & marking of the products:

Collective schemes for recycling:


Wellkang Tech Consulting offers a one-stop WEEE registration and consultancy service.
We assist you in all aspects of your WEEE compliance!
We do the registration on your behalf!
We assist you with annual reporting, and more.

FAQ- frequently asked questions:

WEEE Registry?
WEEE directive?
WEEE compliance?
WEEE symbol?
WEEE logo?
WEEE label?
WEEE software?
WEEE standard?
WEEE recycling?
WEEE Registration?
Which EU countries require registration?
With whom to register?
What are your options?

Need answers to these questions? Contact us now for a quote!

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